Register as a new patient

Important: Notice

Please note that we only accept new patients who live in our published boundary (see map below)

We are using a new online service called Register with a GP surgery that makes it easy to register with this surgery.

Just fill in this quick online form to start the process. You do not need proof of address or immigration status, ID or an NHS number (although if you have it, the process will be quicker).

The service is designed and run by the NHS, so your personal information is safe. It cuts our administrative workload and makes it easier for you to register.

Paper forms are still available if you need one (see below).

Check you are within the surgery's catchment area:

Each GP surgery has a defined area within which they will accept new patients. 

To join as a new patient your address must be inside the area marked in green on the map (our inner boundary)

The area marked in yellow represents our outer-boundary. Existing patients who move to a new address within the outer boundary are able to stay registered and enjoy continuity of care.

If you like to complete a paper form

  • Visit the practice reception from 8am to 6.30pm and collect a paper registration form 
  • Or download the Register with a GP surgery paper form (PDF, 199 KB, 8 pages), fill it in and bring it to the practice.

When the form is completed please remember to sign it and either post it to the surgery address or deliver it yourself.

Please make sure that all the personal details are filled in clearly - including the details of your previous GP surgery  - as this makes it much easier to identify you on the national system

If you are staying away from home and need medical support

Important: NHS 111

NHS 111 can direct you to the best place if you think you need medical help right now – you can call 111 or use NHS 111 online.

Support from your usual GP

Remember that you can often get support over the telephone from your usual GP surgery. If you live in England and you are staying temporarily in another part of England, your usual GP can send prescriptions electronically to a pharmacist in this area.