Maternity, post-natal & baby services
Last Updated: Thursday, 09 May 2024We want to support you and your family through the pre-conception, maternity and post-natal periods. We have GPs with special interests and additional qualifications in sexual & reproductive healthcare, obstetrics & gynaecology and paediatrics. We have a separate page on sexual health and contraception. Scroll down or click on the quick links below to jump to the relevant section.
Just found out you're pregnant?
Antenatal care - pregnancy booking
All you need to do is call 0151 247 4747 to arrange your first appointment with the LWH maternity service, or you can complete their online pregnancy booking form and a member of the booking team will contact you to arrange your first appointment.
MSI Reproductive Choices
MSI specialise in abortion treatments, advice and support for clients considering their pregnancy options. They have opened a new community-based treatment centre, based at Speke Neighbourhood Health Centre. They are funded by the NHS, so services are free for patients. Clients do not need a GP referral to access Termination Of Pregnancy services. Clients can call our telephone line for clinical advice, support, and information about the choices available to them, we also have interpreters available.
Antenatal checks
Each week we host one the Liverpool Women's Hospital's Community Midwives, and she holds an antenatal clinic at the practice every Monday. The midwife works alongside our GPs to provide your antenatal care, and can liaise with the doctors about any blood or urine results which need addressing.
Six week check for mum & baby
Following the birth of your child we will offer you a triple appointment to review you and your baby. All newborns in the UK should undergo an examination six to eight weeks after birth in order to screen for rare but important conditions that can be treated if detected early. Similarly, mum should be reviewed to ensure everything is settling down, and identify any areas we can help with - such as infant feeding, mood and contraception.
You should receive your invitation automatically if we have received a discharge summary from the hospital following the birth, but if you've been missed, please call the surgery.
Childhood immunisations
Error loading Partial View script (file: ~/Views/MacroPartials/Inset text.cshtml)Immunising your child against dangerous but preventable diseases is one of the best things you can do for your family. Vaccines are safe, and important. The routine childhood vaccinations are now delivered in-house at Grassendale. We have taken on additional nursing staff in order to be able to offer this service which was previously carried out at local Children's Centres. The clinics are on Tuesday mornings, and appointments will be sent out to you at the appropriate time by the Liverpool Community Health Child Services department. Please note this is not a general "baby clinic" and we are only set up to administer the vaccinations at these appointments.
Resources for new mums
We have collated a list of links and resources for new mums which we think might be helpful. If you have found any more which you think other families might benefit from, why don't you email us and we'll add it here?
Online resources
- ICON - Babies Cry, You Can Cope - advice about how to comfort a crying baby and how to cope when it goes on for a long time.
- cry-sis - UK charity offering help and support to parents with babies who cry excessively or have sleeping problems.
- Family Planning Association guide to postnatal health & wellbeing [PDF]
- NHS Baby Buddy app - guides you through your pregnancy and the first 6 months following your baby's birth. It is designed to help you look after your baby's mental and physical health, as well as your own, and give your baby the best start in life.
- Breastfeeding Network - A great resource to support mums who are, or are thinking of, breastfeeding. Includes lots of downloadable factsheets with advice about common medical conditions and the safety of taking medications whilst breastfeeding.
- PSS Parent & Baby relationship service - helping parents and carers see and respond to their baby’s present needs by supporting them to overcome blocks; for example, to reprocess early trauma or birth trauma. They also help mothers who are experiencing post-natal depression.
- Free online parenting guide - Evidence-based guides written by the Solihull Approach (NHS) show you how your child develops from the womb right through to early adulthood. Liverpool parents, carers and grandparents can access these guides to build lasting, positive relationships, benefiting the whole family. The four guides cover the stages from pregnancy to adolescence.
Local classes & groups
- Liverpool Bambis - a team of peer supporters who offer breastfeeding support and information to pregnant women, breastfeeding mums and their families.
- Mamafit - Mamafit offers award winning exercise & lifestyle courses and fitness classes for pregnant women & new mums. Get fit & strong for motherhood, lose weight and feel healthy, improve mental health. Fun & friendly classes perfect for getting fit while making new friends. Visit their website for more information:
- Mums Social - Meet other mums, form friendships, find support, advice & reassurance; have fun and build confidence. Positively led sessions to boost your wellbeing. Discounted or free hot drinks available
- "Yummy mummy's and little bunnies" - Inexpensive fitness classes which you can take your babies/toddlers to, so there's no need to arrange separate childcare in order for you to do some exercise.
- MisFit Mamas® - provides specialist pregnancy, postnatal & Women's Health fitness-based classes across Liverpool and now also online too.
- Belly by Rachael - run by a local mum and providing "Pre & Post Natal Specialist Fitness Classes / Nutrition Support / Hypnobirthing Practitioner / Birth Preparation & Relaxation classes for Mamas to be."